Thursday, February 25, 2010

Google Gmail Labs Promotes Six, Retires Five Features

Google launched Gmail Labs over a year and a half ago as a playground where Google engineers can come up with new features and let your input help decide which are good ideas and which don't quite work out. Any engineer at Google can come up with feature, code it, and launch it quickly to tens of millions of users

Today, Gmail has retired five features and graduated six others; over the next couple of days, you’ll see the retired features disappear from the Labs. I haven’t really used any of the retired features; if you’ve used any of them and are sorry to see them go, please share it in the comments.


  1. Search Autocomplete
  2. Go To Label
  3. Forgotten Attachment Detector
  4. YouTube Previews
  5. Custom Label Colors
  6. Vacation Dates

  1. Muzzle
  2. Fixed Width Font
  3. Email Addict
  4. Location in Signature
  5. Random Signature

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